l-21 | raw indigo silk
Extremely limited edition. I will not be able to carry this again. Dyed in natural indigo. The green was first dyed in kihada yellow and over dyed in indigo by a dyer in Shiga. This might be the finest reeled raw bombyx silk commercially available. 14/2 denier. The weight of a silk coming out of one cocoon is usually approx. 6 denier, so this silk is created from just about 4-5 cocoons. Would you like to create an invisible fabric? This will be the thread...
PLEASE NOTE. I am not able to wind this for you on the machine. This skein requires a very careful hand winding. You will require a swift, which can hold the skein flat and spread out, not bunched up in a middle like an umbrella swift.
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content: 100% silk
yardage: over 59,000 yards
weight: invisible
suggested epi for weaving: 150 and up